Colonel Andrew J. Morgan is a special operations trained physician, who served in three separate USASOC/Joint elements during his career. He is a West Point graduate and a ‘tabbed’ Ranger, a qualified combat diver, and a Military Freefall parachutist with several combat deployments ‘under his belt.’ His extensive ARSOF background and experience helped prepare him for the challenges of NASA Astronaut training and service.

Selected in June 2013 as a member of NASA’s Astronaut Group 21, and subsequently assigned to Expeditions 60, 61, and 62, COL Morgan was extensively trained for his Astronaut mission. Here is a link to his official NASA biography, which also contains details of his military experience prior to his selection as a NASA Astronaut.
Historical Interview
To gain the necessary background information that would support a series of articles on the experiences of NASA Astronaut COL Andrew J. Morgan, an oral history interview was held on 21 October 2020 with Dr. Mike Krivdo of the USASOC History Office, Fort Bragg, NC. As part of the preparation for that interview, several questions were posed to help shape and direct the responses to guide COL Morgan to address certain key subjects. In general, the questions are presented below and COL Morgan’s responses can be heard from the recorded portion of the interview, allowing people to hear his response in his own words.
Question One How did your ARSOF background help prepare you for the challenges of the Astronaut Program?
Question Two Describe the events of the day you lifted off to the International Space Station (ISS).
Question Three Describe your most memorable recollection from your time on the ISS.
Question Four What was a typical day like during your space mission?
Question Five Talk us through the events and your thoughts on the last day of your mission when you returned to Earth.
Question Six What key points would you like to pass on to members of the ARSOF audience who might be considering trying out for Astronaut or Space Programs?
Question Seven Did you encounter any unexpected challenges on this mission, and how did you work through it/them?
Question Eight In hindsight, was there anything that you would have done differently in the preparation and/or execution of the mission?
Question Nine What did you miss most while in the ISS?
Question Ten How did you keep yourself in shape in space and adjust to Earth life once you returned?
Shout Out from Space
While orbiting on board the International Space Station, COL Morgan participated in a number of events that were videotaped and transmitted to Earth. The intent was to give him opportunities to interact with viewers back on Earth during the sessions. Below are selections from some of those events with special groups of people whom he is communicating with.