Information derived from the U.S. Army Center of Military History, current as of 29 April 2008

DUI Symbolism
Orange and white (silver) are the colors of the Signal Corps. The dagger, an established symbol of Special Operations organizations is black and white (silver) in reference to the Battalion’s covert and overt missions. It is winged to emphasize present day capabilities for speed of deployment by air. The black color enhances the motto which is translated “Penetrate the Shadows.” The lightning flashes reflect electronic technology. The motto is in Italian in reference to the unit's first area of combat operations.
DUI Background
The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 15 Aug 1986.
Constituted 14 July 1944 in the Army of the United States as the 512th Airborne Signal Company and activated in North Africa
Disbanded 10 February 1945 in France
Reconstituted 5 April 1945 in the Army of the United States; concurrently consolidated with the 112th Airborne Army Signal Battalion (constituted 15 January 1945 in the Army of the United States and activated 10 February 1945 in France) and consolidated unit designated as the 112th Airborne Army Signal Battalion
Inactivated 12 December 1945 at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia
Redesignated 17 September 1986 as the 112th Signal Battalion, allotted to the Regular Army, and activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Campaign Participation Credit
World War II
- Rome-Arno
- Southern France (with arrowhead)
- Rhineland
- Ardennes-Alsace
- Central Europe
Southwest Asia
- Liberation and Defense of Kuwait
War on Terrorism
- Afghanistan, Iraq
Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered SOUTHWEST ASIA 1991
Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered CENTRAL ASIA 2001-2002
Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered SOUTHWEST ASIA 2002-2003
Army Superior Unit Award for 1994-1995
Army Superior Unit Award for 1995-1996