SSG Gregory M. Frampton
30 January 2003, Afghanistan
160th SOAR
Born in Fresno, California, Staff Sergeant Gregory M. Frampton died on 30 January 2003 as a result of an MH-60 Black Hawk crash near Bagram, Afghanistan.
Frampton enlisted in the Army in 1993 as a Tactical Transport Helicopter Mechanic. After completing Green Platoon, he served in 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In 1999, he was assigned to the USASOC Flight Detachment, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, as a Flight Instructor and Technical Inspector.
SSG Frampton returned to 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment in 2002 and was deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM at the time of his death.