1SG Tobias C. Meister
28 December 2005, Afghanistan
Civil Affairs
A resident of Jenks, Oklahoma, First Sergeant Tobias C. Meister died 28 December 2005, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle south of Asadabad, Afghanistan.
Meister enlisted in the Iowa Army National Guard as an Infantryman in 1992. He completed his Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 1998 he transferred to the 1st Brigade, 95th Division, Fort Worth, Texas, and became a Drill Sergeant. He graduated from the Civil Affairs Qualification Course and the Army First Sergeant Course in 2004.
1SG Meister was assigned as First Sergeant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 321st Civil Affairs Brigade, San Antonio, Texas. He was deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM at the time of his death.