MAJ Robert D. Lindenau
20 October 2008, Afghanistan
Civil Affairs
A native of Seattle, Washington, Major Robert D. Lindenau was killed on 20 October 2008 in Charbagh, Afghanistan, by a rocket-propelled grenade.
Lindenau enlisted in the Army in July 1996 as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. In 1999, he attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned in the Field Artillery, where he served in several Field Artillery assignments before volunteering for Civil Affairs. He served as a team leader for a Civil-Military Support Element in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM-TRANS-SAHARA with 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
MAJ Lindenau was serving as a team leader with 91st Civil Affairs Battalion, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, when he was killed during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.