Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Department of Defense called on ARSOF to spearhead the Global War on Terrorism. In Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, ARSOF soldiers took the fight to Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the 9/11 attacks. ARSOF also supported operations in the Middle East, the Philippines, Africa, and Latin America in the years that followed.
Over the past two decades, USASOC expanded to meet increased operational demands. It added the 1st Special Forces Command, U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade, 528th Sustainment Brigade (Special Operations), 8th Psychological Operations Group, and additional battalions activated under existing units. The U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School also adapted training to meet the continuously evolving requirements of the modern battlefield.
This commemorative webpage features videos of ARSOF soldiers, veterans, and civilians sharing their accounts of how 9/11 impacted them. It also includes a selection of USASOC History Office articles on the post-9/11 era, and images demonstrating why ARSOF remains the weapon of choice to fight violent extremism.
Sine Pari!
Interviews with ARSOF Personnel
USASOC Ceremony Guest Speaker

“2,977 people were lost between NYC, PA and the Pentagon. Over 1,100 remains are still unidentified.”
Mrs. Krista Simpson-Anderson, speaking at USASOC’s 9/11 ceremony. (U.S. Army photo)
Articles: Operation ENDURING FREEDOM

Articles: Operation IRAQI FREEDOM

Images from the last 20 years