ARSOF Fallen
A tribute to the men and women of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command who have paid the ultimate price in our war against the extremists and other enemies of our country since the attacks of 9-11.

Our tribute to the Soldiers that helped forge the legacy we honor, preserve, and build upon today.

Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) soldiers whose long-term contributions warrant special recognition. Whether through their continuous valorous actions or their making of key contributions in the capability-building areas of doctrine, organization, training, manpower, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLP-F), these individuals have excelled and stand out amongst their peers.

20th Anniversary of 9/11
Twenty Years of ARSOF at War

ARSOF in Korea
The Korean War (25 June 1950 — 27 July 1953) was a highly transformative period for what are known today as Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF).

ARSOF in Panama
The materials available through this microsite provide a snapshot of ARSOF preparation for, and participation in, military operations in Panama, 1989–1991.

ARSOF in Space
Colonel Andrew J. Morgan is a special operations trained physician, who served in three separate USASOC/Joint elements during his career. He is a West Point graduate and a ‘tabbed’ Ranger, a qualified combat diver, and a Military Freefall parachutist with several combat deployments ‘under his belt.’ His extensive ARSOF background and experience helped prepare him for the challenges of NASA Astronaut training and service.

ARSOF timeline
This timeline depicts the significant events that shaped ARSOF over the last century.

First Special Service Force
The First Special Service Force (FSSF) was a unique combined Canadian-American force constituted under LTC Robert T. Frederick on July 9, 1942, at Fort William Henry Harrison, Montana. Originally conceived to carry out deep raids in Norway, the airborne-trained Force was highly skilled in mountain and amphibious operations. Scoring the highest in infantry proficiency of any unit in the Army, the Force was included in the invasion of the Aleutian Islands (Kiska) before being sent to the Mediterranean Theater to participate in the Italian Campaign.

Honoring ARSOF History, Legacy, and Sacrifice

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
A Primer on the OSS Special Operations Branches and Detachments

Rowe Diary
This site contains a digital copy of Colonel ‘Nick’ Rowe’s POW diary. It allows one to survey the diary and discover how he exercised his mind during captivity. Through it you can see how he handled the hardships of captivity, while mentally escaping from the confines of his cage.

M29 Weasel
The M29 Weasel, built by Studebaker, was a WWII tracked vehicle designed for operations in snow. Designed by British inventor Geoffrey Pyke as a fast and light mechanized device to transport small groups of commando troops of the First Special Service Force (FSSF) across snow.