The Upward Spiral Continues U.S. Army Special Operations Command Celebrates 35 Years
Dr. Christian J. Lambertsen Aquatic Pioneer
Roughing It With Charlie The Charlie Company, 2nd Ranger Bn, Landing on OMAHA Beach
The Forgotten Ranger Company The Story of the “Arctic Rangers” of Company O, 75th Infantry Regiment
A Normandy Surprise USASOC leadership visits Normandy to participate in the commemoration of the 79th anniversary of D-Day
A Brief History of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observations Group
ARSOF History
History of U.S. Army Special Operations Forces

SFC Christopher A. Celiz
The General Staff System | Basic Structure
Form follows function | A Brief Look at U.S. Army Standard Service Rifles and Squad Automatic Weapons since WWII
The Special Forces Patch | The Special Forces Patch
The Evolution of the Special Forces (SF) Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA)
The 75th Ranger Regiment | Distinctive Unit Insignia
“This Vest May Save Your Life!” | U.S. Army Body Armor from WWII to Present
1,903 Days as a POW | COL James ‘Nick’ Rowe, POW Diary, 1963-1968
CSM Richard C. Lamb | ARSOF Icon
A Team Effort | Special Forces in Vietnam, June-December 1964
The A Team Numbering System