The ARSOF Story: US Army Special Operations History
About the History Office
Veritas 2022 Roundup
ARSOF Interview Project
7,290 Days: A Salute to the ARSOF Fallen of the Post-9/11 Era
Mr S. Krista Simpson-Anderson, speaking at USASOC’s 9/11 ceremony.
Command Sergeant Major Richard C. Lamb
Brigadier General Cornelius Wendell Wickersham
Colonel Louis G. Mason
Colonel Heber Blankenhorn
Lieutenant General William P. Yarborough
Lieutenant General Samuel V. Wilson
Brigadier General Russell W. Volckmann
Major General John G. Van Houten
Lieutenant Colonel Mayo S. Stuntz
Colonel Arthur D. ‘Bull’ Simons
Colonel Jack T. Shannon
Colonel Jay D. Vanderpool
Major General James E. Rudder
Major General John K. Singlaub
Colonel James N. ‘Nick’ Rowe
Lieutenant Colonel Henry A. Mucci
Major General Frank D. Merrill
Major General Sidney Shachnow
Brigadier General John Hugh McGee
Major General Robert A. McClure
Colonel Charles R. Munske
Brigadier General Charles H. Karlstad
Colonel Jeffrey B. Jones
Major Richard J. ‘Dick’ Meadows
Colonel Irwin L. Hunt
Command Sergeant Major Galen Kittleson
Brigadier General William O. Darby
Colonel Charles H. Fry
Colonel Charles N. Hunter
Major General James D. Bryan
Lieutenant General Dell L. Dailey
Colonel Charles Alvin Beckwith
General Bryan D. Brown
Major Raymond P. Ambrozak
Colonel Aaron Bank
Sergeant Major Tyrone J. Adderly
Major General Robert T. Frederick
Chief Warrant Officer 5 David F. Cooper
Brigadier General Donald Dunwoody Blackburn
Lieutenant Colonel Leif Bangsboll
Phase I: United Nations (UN) Defensive
Phase II: UN Offensive
Phase III: Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) Intervention
Phase IV: First UN Counteroffensive/CCF Spring Offensive
Phase V: Stabilization of the Lines through the Armistice
Medal of Honor History
SFC Christopher Celiz
SFC Thomas Payne
SSG Earl Plumlee
SSG Leroy Petry
SGT Matthew Williams
SSG Ronald Shurer II
SSG Robert Miller
SFC Randall Shughart
MSG Gary Gordon
MAJ John Duffy
1LT Loren Hagen
SSG Jon Cavaiani
SGT Gary Rose
SFC Gary Littrell
SGT Brian Buker
SGT Gary Beikirch
SSG Franklin Miller
SSG Robert Pruden
SSG Melvin Morris
SFC Jose Rodela
SFC William Bryant
SP4 Robert Law
1LT Robert Howard
SSG Laszlo Rabel
SP5 John Kedenburg
SSG Roy Benavidez
SFC Fred Zabitosky
SFC Eugene Ashley, Jr.
SSG Drew Dix
Sgt Gordon Yntema
MSG Charles Hosking, Jr.
1LT George Sisler
SFC Bennie Adkins
CPT Paris Davis
1LT Charles Williams
CPT Roger Donlon
1LT Ralph Puckett, Jr
1LT Jack Knight
About Colonel Andrew R. Morgan
The Upward Spiral Continues: U.S. Army Special Operations Command Celebrates 35 Years
Roughing It With Charlie: The Charlie Company, 2nd Ranger Bn, Landing on OMAHA Beach
The Forgotten Ranger Company: The Story of the “Arctic Rangers” of Company O, 75th Infantry Regiment
The Evolution of the USASOC DUI: 1988-Present
To Baghdad And Beyond: ARSOF in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
Ensuring Relevance: The USASOC History Office in 2023
“You Have Arrived”: 1st Special Operations Command and the Birth of Modern U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF)
A Normandy Surprise: USASOC leadership visits Normandy to participate in the commemoration of the 79th anniversary of D-Day
“A Final Memorial”: Special Forces Honors John F. Kennedy
“Based on an Actual Event”: The Battle of Mogadishu in Popular Culture
Major General Eldon A. Bargewell: Coastal Washington Town Celebrates the Life of a Hometown Hero
Table of Organization (TOE) vs. Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA): What is the Difference?
ARSOF Lineage or Legacy: Which is the Right Word?
Indomitable Valor: Special Forces Heroism during Tet Offensive
Silent Eagle 2011: Strengthening the U.S.-Japan Partnership
SINE PARI: History of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) motto.
The Evolution of the Special Forces (SF) Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA)
Triumph in the Desert:
Recovering a Cold War Prize
“ANOTHER TYPE OF WARFARE”: U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s Address to the West Point Class of 1962
From “irregular warfare” to Irregular Warfare: History of a Term
Building the Airplane in Flight: PSYOP in Operation DESERT SHIELD, Part 2
70 Years and Counting: U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
The 75th Ranger Regiment: Distinctive Unit Insignia
Honoring an ARSOF Legend: Major General Robert T. Frederick
The ARSOF Story: US Army Special Operations History
Rising from the Ashes: PSYOP in Operation DESERT SHIELD, Part 1
Beyond the Numbers: The 528th Support Battalion in Operations DESERT SHIELD & DESERT STORM
From Hangar to Housing: Providing Shelter for Displaced Civilians in Panama during Operation JUST CAUSE
From a Great Height: Helicopter Recovery at Takur Ghar
Spreading the Word Fast: PSYOP in Operation JUST CAUSE
Commando & Ranger Training, Part III: Forging Junior Leaders to Toughen Men to Win in Combat
A Team Approach: PSYOP and LRA Defection in 2012
Recognizing “Combat Divers”: A History of Army Special Operations Diver Badges
Preface to A Team Approach: PSYOP and LRA Defection in 2012
“The First Step in Night Stalking”: A History of U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Training
Form follows function: A Brief Look at U.S. Army Standard Service Rifles and
Squad Automatic Weapons since WWII
Michael L. Kunik: Peerless Professional, Patriot
Psywar Leaflets from the Korean War: The J. B. Haynes Leaflet Collection, 1st Radio Broadcasting & Leaflet Group
Building El Salvador’s Airborne: Part 1
A Special Forces Model: OSS Detachment 101 in the Myitkyina Campaign, Part 1
Major General Robert A. McClure
Training on a Shoestring: Cheap, Practical SF Training in the post-Vietnam Turmoil
“Timing Is Everything”: A prisoner of war escape Escape in WWII*
Wings Over Burma: Air Support in the Burma Campaign
A Second Chance: Operation PACIFIC HAVEN
‘Stop the Radio Nacional Broadcasts’: C/3-7th SFG Ends pro-Noriega Radio Broadcasts during Operation JUST CAUSE
Alamo Scouts Diary
“No Ordinary Signal Unit”: The 112th Signal Battalion in Panama
The 2nd Ranger Battalion and the Capture of Che Guevara
The Knollwood Maneuver: The Ultimate Airborne Test
Field Sanitation: Practicing Medicine, and Civic Action in Bolivia
Allied Long Range Penetration Groups for Burma: The Chindits, the Marauders, and the MARS Task Force
The Bolivia Mission: Site Survey, and Mobile Training Team (MTT) Mission Prep
Creating A Demigod: Nazi Art, Adolf Hitler, and the Cult of Personality
The Sixties in America: Social Strife and International Conflict
Fighting Through the “Fog of War”: The Battle of An Najaf,
8-29 January 2007, Part 1
Introduction: Special Forces in Bolivia
A Special Forces Model: Detachment 101 in the Myitkyina Campaign, Part II
Biet Dong Quan: Vietnamese Rangers and Their American Advisors
“This Vest May Save Your Life!”: U.S. Army Body Armor from WWII to Present
The Aftermath: Che, the Late 1960s, and the Bolivian Mission
America’s Foreign Legionnaires: The Lodge Act Soldiers, Part I
Civil Affairs Supports the Assault: Company A, 96th Civil Affairs Battalion at the Torrijos International Airport Terminal
Che’s Posse: Divided, Attrited, and Trappe
“Wars should be fought in better country than this”: The First Special Service Force in the Italian Mountains
Evolution of ARSOF Communications
“Welcome to Bolivia, MTT-BL 404-67X”
From Omaha Beach to the Rhine: The 5th Ranger Battalion in the European Theater
Operation BAAZ TSUKA: Task Force 31 Returns to the Panjwayi
The ‘Haves and Have Nots’: U.S. & Bolivian Order of Battle
A History of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School Insignia
Operation COTTAGE: First Special Service Force, Kiska Campaign
The 1960s: A Decade of Revolution
VALIANT 41: 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) in Combat in Iraq
Donald D. Blackburn: World War II Guerrilla Leader &
Special Operations Plank Holder
Charles H. Fry: Bull Simons Award, 2009
A Clearer View of Psywar at Fort Riley & Fort Bragg: 1951-1952
Fighting Through the “Fog of War”: The Battle of An-Najaf,
28-29 January 2007, Part II
Training the Trainers: Donald D. Blackburn and the 77th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
The A Team Numbering System
The Special Forces Mission to Cochabamba
Beyond The Beach
The Price of Stabilization
Turning the Tables on Che
America’s Foreign Legionnaires
The Ivanhoe Security Force in Korea, 1950
“Today a New Stage Begins”
History in the “Raw”
“Volunteering” for Combat
Che Guevara
From the Yak & Yetito Port-au-Prince
Born of Desperation
Beggar on a Throne of Gold
Battle Without Bullets
Lorenzo Ghiglieri
Bona Fides: Personnel files of Special Forces pioneer Major Herbert R. Brucker
The Trojan Horse Badge
Republic of Korea General Paik Sun-yup
SORT(ing) Out the Casualties
Civilian Irregular Defense Group
“That D****d Dam”
Operation BOSTON
“Do What You Can!”
8th Ranger Company
“Colonel Mike”
The U. N. Occupation of P'yongyang
Smoke Bomb Hill
The 77TH SFG Mission to South Vietnam
Eighth Army Rangers
1st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet (1st RB&L) Group Products for Korea
A Legacy of Support
25 July 1950
Dick Zayac
A Clearer View of Psywar at Fort Riley & Fort Bragg, 1951-1952
GHQ Raider Monument
Harris Presses & Psywar Leaflets
A Collective Effort
“When Men Don’t Panic”
Top Priority RB&L Missions
Over the Hills and Far Away
The 2nd Ranger Infantry Company
Rebuilding Psywar
A Giant Enters the Battle
“Cold Steel Third”
We’re Asking the Reds to SURRENDER-PLEASE!
A Civil Affairs Pioneer
The Refugee Evacuation from Hungnam
FEAF’s Humanitarian Bombing Campaign in Korea
GHQ Raiders
The “Proper Ganders”
4th MRBC in Japan & Korea
War in the Land of the Morning Calm
From a Standing Start
Radio Pusan
A Highly Praised Luxury
The General Staff System
Working with what you have
“Travel Light and Freeze at Night”
The 1st RB&L Advance Tackles Far East Command Priorities
John H. McGee
From Hill 710 to “Big Switch”
The Psywar Center
Guerrillas in Their Midst
Rebirth of The Rangers
The May Day Riots
Military Recovery of Downed Airmen in Eastern Korea
Same Organization, Four Different Names
Contrasts in Independence
A Combat First
1st L&L in Korea
Flying High
The Combined Command for Reconnaissance Activities, Korea (CCRAK)
CA/PSYWAR Timeline
Psywar in Korea
Fight for the Northwestern Islands
U.S. Armed Forces Radio Stations in Postwar Japan and Korea
Tactical Liaison Office (TLO)
The Army’s Guerrilla Command in Korea
Rebuilding Psywar
Creating an Army Guerrilla Command
“We’re not in Kansas anymore”
Herbert Avedon
JACK Air Operations
Right Man for the Job
A Korean War Photo Memoir
Skokoski's Journey
Strategic Psywar 1952
The CCRAK ‘Navy’
Operation Eiche
Culture, Language & Special OPS
Task Force Viking
Facets of the U.S. Army Guerrilla Commands in Korea
Major Jay D. Vanderpool
Setting the ‘Rising Sun’
One Guerrilla’s Fight
Closing Acts
A History of Resistance
Kreuzotters on the Loose
The U.S. Army Cultural Support Team Program
JACK Operations & Activities
Building Generational Relationships
CIA Paramilitary Operations
The 7721st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group
10th SFG Mountain Recovery Operation
Escape & Evasion:
West Coast Aircrew Recovery
and the Guerrilla-Held Islands
A True Force Multiplier
ARSOF in Vietnam
The Insignia of Wolfpack
Major General John Henry Hilldring
The Special Forces Operator
Operation SPITFIRE
Voice of the U.S. and Aggressors
Catalyst For Action
Commando & Ranger Training
Nili Experiment
More than Shoot & Salute
The 6th Ranger Company
There’s No Place Like Home
The OSS Influence on Special Forces
The Mayor of P’yongyang
A Commander’s Sense of Duty
The Good ‘Ole’ Daysof Special Forces
A Different SORT of Mission
CAT 812 in Haiti
Who’s in charge down here?
Vietnam Casualty Resolution
Volare Optimos
Absolute Confidence
Commando & Ranger Training
Congo Rescue
The Path to War in Panama
Rescue at Cabanatuan
Officer ‘Green Platoon’
CJSOTF-A: Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan
A Short History | 2002-2014
Defense Diplomacy
The Raid at Hazar Qadam
What is a Ranger or ARSOF Aviator? What is a Special Forces, PSYOP, Civil Affairs, or ARSOF Support soldier?
Total Immersion
Operación JAQUE
Shoot & Salute
“Proving the Concept”
Christmas Every Month
JFK Visits Fort Bragg
Enlisted ‘Green Platoon’
Camp Mackall
Victoria Ex Umbra
One Piece of the Puzzle
“If you liked Beirut, you’ll love Mogadishu”*
Night Stalker Ingenuity
Order From Chaos
Joint SOF Integration
Resurrected Again
A Tale of Two Teams
From Leyte to the Levant
HACC Baghdad
Civil Affairs in Colombia
Conventional Excellence
A Team Effort: Special Forces in Vietnam, June–December 1964
A Team Effort: The Montagnard Uprising of September 1964
Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer
The CG-4A Waco Glider
The Lords of Darkness
Out of Turkey
Attack on the Pleiku Radio Station
A Tale of Two Units
Helicopters in the Korean War
Camp Mackall
Catch as Catch Can
Unique Support for a Unique Unit
The Ganders
“We Badly Needed Something to Do”*
Cannon Company
151st Airborne Tank Company
Rangers in World War II
Frank E. Allen
Night Stalkers in the Philippines
Reaching Out
Key West
SF Detachment 39
The Special Forces Patch
Barbula and Old Baldy, March 1953
SOF and the Media
The Ganders
ODA 542
“Alarm Red!”
Prisoner for a Day
“The Beer’s On Us!”
Soldier-Sailors in Korea
The Battle for Debecka Crossroads
The Rangers Take Hadithah Dam
Across the Pacific to War
Objective Beaver
Psychological Operations in Baghdad
Wolfpacks and Donkeys
Team Tank
Task Force 160 in Operation URGENT FURY
The Race to Rome
Getting the Message Out
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer
Value Added
Flash to Bang Time—Twenty-two Hours
Supplying the Resistance
Getting There is Half the Battle
The Jump at Objective Serpent
OPATT to PATT: El Salvador to Colombia and the Formation of the Planning and Assistance Training Teams
Holding Back the Flood at Hadithah Dam
Factors Affecting ARSOF
ELN Mines and FARC Mortars
Mass Graves
Logistical Support to Task Force Viking
Forty Years of Insurgency
North by Northwest
Reminiscences of Detachment A
Plan Lazo
This is What You Signed Up For
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer
Plan Colombia and Plan Patriota
Infiltrating Wadi al Khirr Airfield
Los Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados
U.S. Forces
The SOD-JF in Iraq
El Paraiso and the War in El Salvador
Airborne Signal
PSYOP in Colombia
The OSS Maritime Unit on the Arakan Coast of Burma
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer
Colombian Military Forces
The Failures of Detachment 101
Amputee Soccer and Prosthetics
Special Forces in Larandia
Afghan Ambush
San Miguel
“Who taught these guys to shoot like Chuck Norris?”
Operation MEDUSA
Blue Helmets to Maroon Berets
Colombian Special Operations Forces
Colombian Lancero School Roots
ARSOF in Colombia
“There is a Word I Need to Learn”
From Ledo to Leeches
“Conducting the Orchestra”
OSS Detachment 404
Colombia’s Troubled Past
Everyone Can Take Pride in This Fight
Of Mules and Men
The End Run of Galahad
Rangers in WWII
Not Just Doing Logistics
Just Cause Interviews
Lieutenant General William P. Yarborough
CW2 Shane M. Barnes
CW3 Stephen R. Dwyer, Jr.
SSG Tanner W. Grone
SGT Andrew P. Southard
SGT Cade M. Wolfe
SSG Ryan C. Knauss
SFC Javier J. Gutierrez Jr.
SFC Antonio R. Rodriguez
CW2 Jonathan R. Farmer
SGT Cameron A. Meddock
SSG Joshua Z. Beale
SFC Will D. Lindsay
MSG Micheal B. Riley
SGM James G. Sartor
MSG Luis F. DeLeon-Figueroa
MSG Jose J. Gonzalez
SFC Dustin B. Ard
SFC Jeremy W. Griffin
SFC Michael J. Goble
SFC Mihail Golin
MSG Jonathan J. Dunbar
SSG Alexander W. Conrad
SFC Christopher A. Celiz
SFC Reymund R. Transfiguracion
CW3 Taylor J. Galvin
MAJ Brent R. Taylor
SGT Leandro A.S. Jasso
CPT Andrew P. Ross
SFC Eric M. Emond
SSG Mark de Alencar
SGT Joshua Rodgers
SGT Cameron Thomas
SSG Logan J. Melgar
SSG Aaron Butler
SSG Emil Rivera-Lopez
SSG Jeremiah Johnson
SSG Bryan Black
SSG Dustin Wright
SGT La David Johnson
CW2 Jacob Sims
SFC Stephen Cribben
SFC Matthew McClintock
SSG Matthew V. Thompson
SSG Adam S. Thomas
MAJ Andrew D. Byers
SFC Ryan A. Gloyer
SSG James F. Moriarty
SSG Kevin J. McEnroe
SFC Matthew C. Lewellen
1SG Peter A. McKenna Jr.
MSG Joshua L. Wheeler
SSG Daniel T. Lee
SPC Christopher A. Landis
SFC Roberto C. Skelt Jr.
SPC John A. Pelham
CPT Jason B. Jones
SSG Jason A. McDonald
SSG Scott R. Studenmund
SSG Girard D. Gass Jr.
SFC Andrew T. Weathers
SFC Michael A. Cathcart
SSG Matthew R. Ammerman
CPT Andrew M. Pedersen-Keel
SFC James F. Grissom
SSG Michael H. Simpson
WO1 Sean W. Mullen
SSG Stephen M. New
MSG George A. Bannar Jr.
SFC Liam J. Nevins
SGT Joshua J. Strickland
SSG Timothy R. McGill
SGT Patrick C. Hawkins
SPC Cody J. Patterson
CPT Jennifer M. Moreno
SGT Joseph M. Peters
SSG Patrick H. Quinn
SSG Richard L. Vazquez
SSG Alex A. Viola
SFC Benjamin B. Wise
SGT Tanner S. Higgins
SSG Andrew T. Britton-Mihalo
SSG Brandon F. Eggleston
SSG Brandon R. Pepper
MSG Gregory R. Trent
SSG Jeremie S. Border
SFC Riley G. Stephens
SFC Aaron A. Henderson
SSG Justin C. Marquez
WO1 Joseph L. Schiro
SGT Thomas R. MacPherson
SFC Ryan J. Savard
CW2 Michael S. Duskin
SSG Kashif M. Memon
SGT Clinton K. Ruiz
SFC Dae H. Park
MSG Benjamin F. Bitner
SFC Martin R. Apolinar
SGT Aaron J. Blasjo
CPT Joseph W. Schultz
SSG Jeremy A. Katzenberger
SFC Wyatt A. Goldsmith
MSG Benjamin A. Stevenson
CPT Waid C. Ramsey
SGT Alessandro L. Plutino
MSG Danial R. Adams
SSG Michael W. Hosey
SGT Tyler N. Holtz
SPC Ricardo Cerros Jr.
SFC Kristoffer B. Domeij
PFC Christopher A. Horns
1LT Ashley I. White
SSG Rusty H. Christian
SPC Marc P. Decoteau
CPT David J. Thompson
SFC David J. Hartman
SFC Matthew S. Sluss-Tiller
SSG Mark A. Stets Jr.
SGT Joel D. Clarkson
CPL Michael D. Jankiewicz
SSG James R. Patton
SGT Ronald A. Kubik
SGT Jason A. Santora
MSG Mark W. Coleman
CPT Kyle A. Comfort
SGT Jonathan K. Peney
SGT Andrew J. Creighton
SPC Joseph W. Dimock II
SGT Anibal Santiago
SGT Justin B. Allen
CPT Jason E. Holbrook
SSG Kyle R. Warren
MSG Jared N. Van Aalst
SGT Andrew C. Nicol
SPC Bradley D. Rappuhn
SPC Christopher S. Wright
SGT Martin A. Lugo
SFC Ronald A. Grider
SFC Calvin B. Harrison
SFC Lance H. Vogeler
SSG Kevin M. Pape
SSG Anthony D. Davis
SSG Marc J. Small
SSG Jeremy E. Bessa
MSG David L. Hurt
CPL Ryan C. McGhee
CPL Benjamin S. Kopp
CW2 Douglas M.Vose III
SFC Alejandro Granado III
CPT Ronald G. Luce Jr.
SFC Severin W. Summers III
CPT John Tinsley
CPL Nicholas R. Roush
SFC William B. Woods Jr.
SSG Andrew T. Lobosco
SSG Jason S. Dahlke
PFC Eric W. Hario
SFC Duane A. Thornsbury
SFC Bradley S. Bohle
SFC Shawn P. McCloskey
SSG Joshua M. Mills
SSG Jack M. Martin III
SFC Christopher D. Shaw
SGT Roberto D. Sanchez
SSG Keith R. Bishop
SGT Josue E. Hernandez Chavez
CW3 Niall D. Lyons
SSG Shawn H. McNabb
SFC David E. Metzger
CW4 Michael P. Montgomery
SGT Nickolas A. Mueller
SSG Matthew A. Pucino
SSG Ryan D. Maseth
SSG Justin R. Whiting
SSG Robert J. Miller
SSG William R. Neil Jr.
SGT Nicholas A. Robertson
SSG Jason L. Brown
SFC David L. McDowell
SSG Frank J. Gasper
SPC Christopher Gathercole
SFC David Nunez
SPC Thomas F. Duncan III
SSG Travis K. Hunsberger
SFC Jeffrey M. Rada Morales
MSG Shawn E. Simmons
SGT James M. Treber
MSG Mitchell W. Young
SSG David W. Textor
CPT Richard G. Cliff Jr.
SFC Jamie S. Nicholas
SFC Gary J. Vasquez
SGT William P. Rudd
MAJ Robert D. Lindenau
SGT Nicholas A. Casey
SGT Thomas E. Vandling Jr.
CPT Brian S. Freeman
MAJ Alan R. Johnson
SGT James J. Regan
SPC Ryan C. Garbs
SPC Brandon D. Gordon
PFC Kristofer D.S. Thomas
SGT Adam A. Wilkinson
CW3 Hershel D. McCants Jr.
CW3 John A. Quinlan
SPC Travis R. Vaughn
SSG Michael D. Thomas
SGT Timothy P. Padgett
SGM Bradly D. Conner
SSG Joshua R. Whitaker
MSG Arthur L. Lilley
SFC Nathan L. Winder
SSG Robb L. Rolfing
MAJ James M. Ahearn
SGT Keith A. Kline
SFC Sean K. Mitchell
CPL Jason M. Kessler
SSG Jesse G. Clowers Jr.
SFC Jeffery D. Kettle
SGT Charles B. Kitowski III
SSG Robert R. Pirelli
SPC George V. Libby
SFC Adrian M. Elizalde
SFC Michael J. Tully
CPL Benjamin C. Dillon
SFC Justin S. Monschke
SSG Joseph F. Curreri
MAJ Jeffrey R. Calero
CPT Benjamin D. Tiffner
SSG Patrick F. Kutschbach
SGT Steven C. Ganczewski
SFC Lance S. Cornett
SSG Edwin H. DazaChacon
SFC Chad A. Gonsalves
SGT Alberto D. Montrond
SSG Clinton T. Newman
MSG Emigdio E. Elizarraras
SSG Ricardo Barraza
SGT Dale G. M. Brehm
SFC Christopher L. Robinson
SFC Richard J. Herrema
SPC Teodoro Torres
SSG Nathan J. Vacho
1SG Carlos N. Saenz
CW5 Jamie D. Weeks
MAJ Matthew W. Worrell
CPT Shane R. M. Mahaffee
LTC Daniel E. Holland
SSG Christian Longsworth
SFC Daniel B. Crabtree
MSG Thomas D. Maholic
SSG Michael A. Dickinson II
SSG Eric Caban
SFC Merideth L. Howard
SSG Robert J. Paul
SPC Adam L. Knox
SSG Carlos Dominguez
CW2 Scott W. Dyer
SSG Ronald L. Paulsen
SGT Daniel W. Winegeart
SSG Kyu H. Chay
SFC William R. Brown
SFC Tung M. Nguyen
2LT Scott B. Lundell
SGT Dustin M. Adkins
SGT Marco L. Miller
SFC Pedro A. Munoz
SGT Jeremy R. Wright
SFC Mickey E. Zaun
SFC Allen C. Johnson
SFC Steven M. Langmack
SSG Leroy E. Alexander
CPT Charles D. Robinson
SFC Victor H. Cervantes
SSG Christopher N. Piper
MSG Robert M. Horrigan
MSG Michael L. McNulty
SSG Shamus O. Goare
CW3 Corey J. Goodnature
SGT Kip A. Jacoby
SFC Marcus V. Muralles
MSG James W. Ponder III
MAJ Stephen C. Reich
SFC Michael L. Russell
CW4 Chris J. Scherkenbach
SGT Jason T. Palmerton
PFC Damian J. Garza
PV2 John M. Henderson Jr.
SFC Brett E. Walden
SSG Christopher M. Falkel
CPT Jeremy A. Chandler
SFC Trevor J. Diesing
MSG Ivica Jerak
CPL Timothy M. Shea
SFC Obediah J. Kolath
MAJ Gregory J. Fester
SFC Lawrence E. Morrison
SSG Gary R. Harper Jr.
SSG Matthew A. Kimmell
PFC Dillon M. Jutras
MAJ Jeffrey P. Toczylowski
SFC James S. Ochsner
MSG Anthony R. C. Yost
SGT Regina C. Reali
SGT Cheyenne C. Willey
MSG Joseph J. Andres Jr.
1SG Tobias C. Meister
CPL George A. Lutz II
SSG Ayman A. Taha
SGT Roy A. Wood
MSG Kelly L. Hornbeck
SPC Adam G. Kinser
SFC Curtis Mancini
SGT Danton K. Seitsinger
SPC Nichole M. Frye
MSG Richard L. Ferguson
SGM Michael B. Stack
CPL Patrick D. Tillman
CW3 Bruce E. Price
CPT Daniel W. Eggers
SPC Joseph A. Jeffries
SFC Robert J. Mogensen
MAJ Paul R. Syverson III
SSG Paul C. Mardis Jr.
CPT Michael Y. Tarlavsky
SSG Aaron N. Holleyman
SSG Robert S. Goodwin
SSG Tony B. Olaes
PFC Nathan E. Stahl
LTC Mark P. Phelan
MAJ Charles R. Soltes Jr.
SSG Michael G. Owen
CPL Jonathan J. Santos
CPL William M. Amundson Jr.
SGT Bryan L. Freeman Jr.
SGT Michael C. O’Neill
SGM Robert D. Odell
SSG Gregory M. Frampton
CW3 Thomas J. Gibbons
SSG Daniel L. Kisling
CW3 Mark S. O’Steen
SSG Orlando Morales
MSG George A. Fernandez
SSG Nino D. Livaudais
SPC Ryan P. Long
CPT Russell B. Rippetoe
CPL Andrew F. Chris
SSG Timothy M. Conneway
1SG Christopher D. Coffin
CPL Mark A. Bibby
LTC Anthony L. Sherman
SFC Mitchell A. Lane
SFC William M. Bennett
MSG Kevin N. Morehead
LTC Charles H. Buehring
SSG Paul A. Sweeney
SGT Jay A. Blessing
PFC Charles E. Bush Jr.
SFC Nathan R. Chapman
SGT Thomas F. Allison
SSG James P. Dorrity
CW2 Jody L. Egnor
MAJ Curtis D. Feistner
SGT Jeremy D. Foshee
SSG Kerry W. Frith
CPT Bartt D. Owens
SSG Bruce A. Rushforth Jr.
CW2 Stanley L. Harriman
SPC Marc A. Anderson
CPL Matthew A. Commons
SGT Bradley S. Crose
SGT Philip J. Svitak
SFC Daniel A. Romero
SSG Gene A. Vance Jr.
SFC Peter P. Tycz II
SFC Christopher J. Speer
SFC Mark W. Jackson
MAJ Wallace C. Hogan Jr.
SPC Jonn J. Edmunds
PFCKristofor T. Stonesifer
MSG Jefferson D. Davis
SFC Daniel H. Petithory
SSG Brian C. Prosser
First Special Service Force THE BEGINNING
First Special Service Force AT WAR
First Special Service Force LEGACY
First Special Service Force
Special Forces Wing
Ranger Diamond
General Carl W. Stiner
General James J. Lindsay
Lineage and Honors: 1st Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 3rd Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 5th Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 7th Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 10th Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 19th Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 20th Special Forces Group
Lineage and Honors: 39th Special Forces Group